Sep 19: CS371p Fall 2020 Blog

Wentao Yang
2 min readSep 20, 2020

This series of blog posts are assignments of my CS 371p course.

1. What did you do this past week?

In my CS 439 course, we went over threads, and our new assignment this week is to implement yield() and stop(). I’m still a bit confused about the implementation that Dr. Gheith showed in class, but I’m pretty confident I’ll finish the assignment this weekend. I have other assignments from other courses, but this one is taking up the majority of my time currently. Outside of schoolwork, I signed up for the Career Fair and a few sessions and made sure everything is up to date.

2. What’s in your way?

Mainly schoolwork is in my way, but the logistics of the Career Fair is as well. I would prefer that the Career Fair is in person, but that’s impossible due to the pandemic. I’m quite curious how the video calls are going to go as opposed to the in-person style that we are used to.

3. What will you do next week?

I’m looking forward to the Career Fair next week and will be preparing for that along with the assignments and projects I have to finish.

4. What was your experience of exceptions, voting, and strcmp? (this question will vary, week to week)

My only experience with exceptions before this course was in Data Structures and Java, and I only used them as pre-conditions and never thought very deeply about them. The lectures on exceptions gave me a better understanding of exceptions as well as ampersand’s functionality and try-catch blocks. I never had experience with the Australian voting discussed in class, and it was interesting to learn this new way of election. I remember implementing strcmp in Assembly in Architecture, and that was my only experience learning in depth about it.

5. What made you happy this week?

Chelsea won their opening game last weekend in the Premier League, but we’re facing Liverpool, the champions last season, tomorrow.

6. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick of the week is Visual Studio Code’s SSH-Remote extension. Since many of us use Visual Studio Code and we have to SSH into the computer labs’ Linux computers for a few courses, Remote-SSH is a great way to combine the functionalities of Visual Studio Code and SSH. This would make working on the lab computers much easier as many files can be opened at the same time and the directories are always visible and updated.



Wentao Yang

CS + Mathematics Junior at UT Austin